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Organizing a promotional campaign for Al-Ghad company for vehicle tracking and fleet management
Sponsoring the Elite Football Championship and transmitting it in a live and direct broadcast as the first local championship to be broadcast on the air on the terrestrial broadcast
Media partner of the Central Committee to Combat Corona Virus, Sebha Municipality
The media sponsor of the Elite Championship in its second session and broadcast it live on a terrestrial channel
he introduction of mouse arbitration techniques for the first time in Libya and its adoption by the Sebha Sports Council
Organizing the Re start up Sebha event, which was held by the United Nations Development Program in Libya using remote video meeting technology (organizing, filming and broadcasting live via social media)
Organizing the celebration of the Global Entrepreneurship Week with the Office of Business Incubators in Sebha Municipality and presenting innovative technologies in the remote video meeting
Organizing a meeting of the Sebha Municipal Council with the Italian organization ITA.
Producing works for the Bahour Al-Madahin band for the familiar, the muwashahat and the religious remembrances.
Producing documentary programs on the cities of the south and the desert.